NES GG Dictionary By Cheatmaster ( Your official purveyor of uselesss information! Ask about my equally useless Game Gear Handbook (who owns a Game Gear GG?) and Genesis code converter (who owns a Genesis GG?)! Just how many words can you make from the NES character set? This list (if it can ever be completed....) could be used to plug in interesting and new random codes for games. Note that this list doesn't contain 5- or 7-character words with extra "padding" to make them fit. Also, 6-character codes are those that the Game Genie decides to break after the 6th letter. None of those "6 letters in a 8-letter blank" codes here.... (Although, remarkably, such codes actually work) Many, MANY thanx to my little pocket electronic dictionary, for automatically searching out a lot of these words. It's a shame it has the tendency to make up words.... If anyone out there knows what a pilaus or a patine is, PLEASE let me know.... Finally, some words were omitted from this list for the sake of your mothers. If you want to know what they were, pull out your dictionary.... 6 characters: 170 words!!! (Note that I probably missed a lot) ALIENS ALIGNS ALLEGE ALLIES ALINES <-- Well, my pocket dictionary says it's a word.... ALLOTS ALLOYS ALPINE ANGELS ANGLES ANYONE APPALL APPEAL APPLES APPLET EATING ENLIST ENTAIL EPILOG EULOGY GAIETY GAYEST GENIAL GIANTS GLINTS GOALIE GUILES GUILTS GUILTY GUINEA INGEST INGOTS INLAYS INLETS INPUTS INTAKE KEYING KITTEN KNAVES KNIVES LAPINS LATINS LAYING LAYOUT LITANY LEGION LETTER LOAVES LOPING LUPINE LUTING NAPKIN NAPLES NATIVE NEATLY ------ <-- This is a PG-13 dictionary! OLIVES OPIATE OPINES OPTING OUTAGE OUTING OUTLAY PAINTS PALEST PALING PATENS | \ PATINE | / Blame the dictionary. PATIOS PATOIS <-- Believe it or not (I didn't), it really is a word.... PAYING PEANUT PEGLEG PELVIS PENULT PETALS PIANOS PIGEON PIGLET PIGSTY PILAUS <-- Send all questions and comments to: Franklin Computer Corporation, PILOTS Mount Holly, NJ 08060 USA PINEAL PINTOS PITONS PIZZAS PLAGUE PLAITS PLAINS PLAINT PLANES PLANET PLANKS PLANTS PLATEN PLATES PLIANT PLYING POINTS POINTY POLING POLITE POLITY POLKAS POTION PULING <-- The worst is yet to come.... PUPPET PUZZLE PYLONS SAGELY SALINE SALUTE SATING SATINY SAYING SIGNAL SIGNET SILAGE SILENT SILKEN SLANGY <-- ??? I didn't think of it... SLINKY SNIVEL SOIGNE <-- Who knows.... SOLING SOLUTE SPIGOT SPINAL SPINET SPLINE SPLINT SPYING STAGEY STAPLE STALKY STINGY STINKY SULTAN SUPINE SYLVAN <-- Ooh, now that's just too tempting not to comment.... TALKIE TALONS TAPING TEAPOT TOEING TOILET TOLING TOILES TOPEKA <-- Good thing this ain't Scrabble. TOYING TULIPS TUPELO TYPING UNITES UNLIKE UNTIES UPLINK UPTAKE VAINLY VALETS VALISE VALUES VEINAL VILEST VITALS VOGUE VOLUTE VOTING VOYAGE 8 characters: 31 words GASOLINE -------- <-- I could get termed for that word! INSULATE INVOLUTE LANKIEST LINKAGES NOVELIST -------- <-- Nope... Ain't gonna risk it.... PAKISTAN PANELIST PESTLING PLEASING PLEATING PONYTAIL SNEAKILY SONGLIKE SPEAKING SPOILAGE SPOLIATE SPOUTING STEALING TANGELOS <-- Don't ask me what it means... TOENAILS TOUSLING UNEASILY UTOPIANS VAULTING VENALTY <-- Vicious Penalty?? Who knows! VINTAGES VIOLATES YOUNGEST 201 words total!!!!! (And there's probably a good 40 more that I missed!)