
<13.1> Introduction-----------------------------------------------------------   

     Part 12's approach to code creation is mathematical and precise.  This
section of the FAQ presents some information that is especially useful in
creating new codes from preexisting codes -- namely, how to increment the
address a code modifies by a known value. 

<13.2> Tips for code altering-------------------------------------------------   

     Do you have a known code and want to create a code with a distinct
effect that affects the same general area of the game?  Here are a few tips
on making new codes from preëxisting ones.

Character Position       What You Can Change It To
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~       ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~   
1 & 2                    Anything.  Determines the degree to which the
                           memory address is affected.

3                        This is the position that ends up modifying the
                           controversial A15 (see <12.4>).  Some Game Genies
                           will make sure A15 is always high because LoROM
                           games require it.  This means if you enter D,F,4,
                           7,0,9,1, or 5 into slot 3, some GG's will 
                           automatically convert it to 6,B,C,8,A,2,3, or E,
                           respectively.  Even in HiROM games -- where A15
                           can be either high or low -- these newer GGs will
                           convert the code.  Some GG's seem to still affect
                           both ROMaddresses (with A15 both high and low),
                           even if it changes A15 to being high.
                           There are at least 3 versions of the GG out there:
                              1) does not convert at all; will affect both
                                 ROMaddresses with A15 low and A15 high if 
                                 the game is HiROM
                              2) will automatically make A15 high on the code
                                 screen; will affect both ROMaddresses with
                                 A15 low and A15 high if the game is HiROM
                              3) will not automatically convert; will only
                                 affect one address -- either with A15 high
                                 or A15 low -- for HiROM games, and the code
                                 will not work if A15 is misrepresented in 
                                 the code (this is the type of interpretation
                                 that is also used by the GG code input
                                 features on emulators such as ZSnes).                         

4                        Anything; usually gives the code a much different 
                           effect, though in the same area of the game,
                           when changed.

5 & 7                    Change the character to another one in its group:
                           GROUP CHART: 5&7
                           Group 1: D 0 6 A  
                           Group 2: F 9 B 2 
                           Group 3: 4 1 C 3 
                           Group 4: 7 5 8 E 

6 & 8                  	 Change the character to another one in its group:
                           GROUP CHART: 6&8
                           Group 1: D F 4 7 
                           Group 2: 0 9 1 5  
                           Group 3: 6 B C 8
                           Group 4: A 2 3 E

<13.3> Actual values of the slots---------------------------------------------   

Each slot has a numerical value assigned to it.
The numbers listed here are the resulting increase in memory address
from increasing the appropriate slot by 1.  The reason for the "groups"
listed above is that the slots are assigned different values for changing
within groups and out of groups.  The first value on the chart is the
increment going "across" a row on the 'group charts' above; the second value
is the increment going "down" a column on the group chart.

----    ------------------    -------------------
   3    1000h (4096)          0h (0)
   4    10h (16)              10h (16)
   5    100h (256)            400000h (4,194,304)
   6    4h (4)                100000h (1,048,576)
   7    1h (1)                40000h (262,144)
   8    400h (1024)           10000h (65536)

So, to regroup this, the hierarchy of slots is:

7* 6  4  5* 8  3  8* 7  6* 5

* in order to increment this slot "one" in this position in the hierarchy,
  add four to it; e.g., D --> 0 --> 6 --> A

Confused?  The chart below can help.  Just find the right slot, find the
digit that is present in that slot on the chart, and you will find its
value in the CPU Address.  Add all the values of all the slots together,
and you will be able to find the entire CPU address with just a
hex calculator!

<13.4> What's worth what?  The Master Chart!----------------------------------   

SLOT  DIGIT     VALUE          SLOT  DIGIT   VALUE      
----  -----  -----------       ----  -----  -------
3rd   D*     $0000/$8000       4th   D      $00
      F*     $1000/$9000             F      $10
      4*     $2000/$A000             4      $20
      7*     $3000/$B000             7      $30
      0*     $4000/$C000             0      $40
      9*     $5000/$D000             9      $50
      1*     $6000/$E000             1      $60 
      5*     $7000/$F000             5      $70
      6      $8000                   6      $80
      B      $9000                   B      $90
      C      $A000                   C      $A0
      8      $B000                   8      $B0
      A      $C000                   A      $C0
      2      $D000                   2      $D0
      3      $E000                   3      $E0
      E      $F000                   E      $F0
* the first value is for
HiROM games; the second,
for LoROM games.  See
Part 12.

SLOT  DIGIT   VALUE            SLOT  DIGIT   VALUE      
----  -----  -------           ----  -----  -------
6th   D           $0           8th   D        $000
      F           $4                 F        $400
      4           $8                 4        $800
      7           $C                 7        $C00

      0      $100000                 0      $10000
      9      $100004                 9      $10400
      1      $100008                 1      $10800
      5      $10000C                 5      $10C00
      6      $200000                 6      $20000
      B      $200004                 B      $20400
      C      $200008                 C      $20800
      8      $20000C                 8      $20C00
      A      $300000                 A      $30000
      2      $300004                 2      $30400
      3      $300008                 3      $30800
      E      $30000C                 E      $30C00

SLOT  DIGIT   VALUE            SLOT  DIGIT   VALUE      
----  -----  -------           ----  -----  -------
5th   D         $000           7th   D          $0
      0         $100                 0          $1
      6         $200                 6          $2
      A         $300                 A          $3
      F      $400000                 F      $40000
      9      $400100                 9      $40001
      B      $400200                 B      $40002
      2      $400300                 2      $40003
      4      $800000                 4      $80000
      1      $800100                 1      $80001
      C      $800200                 C      $80002
      3      $800300                 3      $80003
      7      $C00000                 7      $C0000
      5      $C00100                 5      $C0001
      8      $C00200                 8      $C0002
      E      $C00300                 E      $C0003

<13.5> Example using the Chart------------------------------------------------   

**5C-7B85		Modifies Terra's Vigor

looking at the chart, we see that...
"5" in slot 3 =   7000h
"C" in slot 4 =     A0h
"7" in slot 5 = C00000h
"B" in slot 6 = 200004h
"8" in slot 7 =  C0002h
"5" in slot 8 =  10C00h
         TOTAL  ED7CA6h

Does that number look familiar?  It should; it's the same CPU address
that we arrived at in Part 12 using the bit shift method. 

<13.6> Converting Back: from ROM Address to GG Code---------------------------  

Okay, now that you've created the memory address for a code using the chart,
you may be wondering:  "How do I go the other way?"  While you could reverse
the bit shift process in Part 12, you could also use the chart above to do it.
This process requires a little deduction on your part, but it's probably
easier than the binary hassle.

What you have to do is separate the hex number into its six digits, then, in
turn, separate the six digits into values which can be made by the numbers
on the chart.

The first thing you have to do is to convert the ROM address back to a CPU
address, which you can do by either _adding_ BFFE00h (for a HiROM game) or
going through the reverse bit-shift process detailed in <<12.4.2>> (for a
LoROM game).

The next thing you need to do is to convert the CPU address into Game Genie 
format.  The best way to illustrate this is through example.  Let's say you 
have found the CPU address to be DA4DB2h.  We know we're looking to end up
with an eight-digit code [????-????].  The first two ?s will remain that way,
as they indicate the data.  At the end of this process, though, we will have
definite values for the other 6 positions.

DA4DB2h =   D00000h + A0000h + 4000h + D00h + B0h + 2h

1. The first task is to make D00000h using numbers on the chart.  You want a
   combination of no more than two numbers, and only addition is allowed.  
   So, D00000h = C00000h + 100000h. Looking at the chart, that gives us a 
   "7" in slot 5 and a "0" in slot 6. [????-70??]

2. Next, we have to get A0000h.  A0000h = 80000h + 20000h.  That gives us a
   "4" in slot 7 and a "6" in slot 8. [????-7046]

3. Get 4000h, which is simply an "A" in slot 3.  [??A?-7046]

4. Get D00h.  D00h = C00h + 100h, which is a "7" in slot 8 and a "0" in slot
   5.  Uh oh!  We already have numbers in those slots!  No problem.  Just
   "lay" the values for D00h over the previous values; you'll find it always
   works.  For instance, your old value for slot 5 was C00000h.  The one you
   want now is 100h.  "Lay" the second on top of the first and you get
   C00100h, which, if you look on the chart, is a "5" in slot 5.  Do a similar
   thing with slot 8:  your value already there is 20000h, and the one you
   want now is C00h.  "Lay" the C00h on the old value, and you get 20C00h,
   which is obtained with an "8" in slot 8. [??A?-5048]

5. Get B0h.  B0h = "8" in slot 4.  [??A8-5048]

6. Get 2h.  2h is a "6" in slot 7.  You already have a slot 7, so use the
   "laying" technique again:  Your initial value for slot 7 was 80000h.
   80000h + 2h = 80002h, which is a "C" in slot 7.

So, your final code comes out ??A8-50C8.  And that's all there is to it!
This is useful, because using a hex editor, you can search the ROM of a game
for a value your looking for (for instance, initial stats), and use this to
find the equivalent GG code.  If you find continuous memory addresses for
stats, etc., you don't have to do this for every code.  Just use the
"increment" information in <13.3> to calculate the rest of the codes--
99 times out of 100 you'll be right.

If you're at all acquainted with binary, though, reversing the 'bit shift'
method in <12.2> is probably an easier process.